Call for Applications: MEDx Colloquia

MEDx is pleased to offer support for interdisciplinary colloquia that bring together physicians, engineers, computer scientists, data analysts, and basic and/or clinical researchers with a common desire to combine the elements of medicine and engineering to solve complex problems and inspire innovation. 

The typical award is $2,500 to support each successful proposal. If larger amounts can be well justified, awards of up to $5,000 may be considered. Funds can be used to cover food, meeting venues, external speakers or other meeting costs. 

Proposals must be submitted by teams consisting of at least two faculty members — at least one with an appointment in a School of Medicine department and one in a Pratt department. 

Meetings may have any format (small monthly dinner meetings, larger quarterly meetings, single symposium, etc.), but should be designed to bring together faculty members (and possibly trainees) with diverse perspectives.

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